
February 26, 2025

A Time2Pause

We can all learn from others. No matter how old we get or how much experience we have professionally, there are lessons to be received.

Generally, I try to meet with people who are looking for work, deciding about career changes, or interested in internships. I like helping people as I have shared in previous B2Seed. I also reflect on how others have helped me when I was in tough spots professionally. It was in one of these sessions recently that I was taught a lesson by a junior at Roanoke College.

There I was encouraging her to enjoy her college years and to be careful not to rush through this fun, enlightening, and growth period of her life. I pointed out that people will pressure her to ask her what’s next. Then when she figures out what is next, they’ll ask her what’s next (after that). She’ll be thinking about the next thing for the rest of her life.

“Enjoy these years,” I said, and she acknowledged that.

Then she asked me to reflect on the past 15 years and to tell her what I was proud of during my time starting and running my own company. That question caught me off guard.

Break4Reflection and Pride 

It is hard for me to look back. As a business owner I think I am always looking forward – to the next new way, the next new client, the next growth plan, or new employee or new system. Onward is a part of what has helped me to survive the ups and downs of owning a company. Her question forced me to stop and think. What was I proud of accomplishing?

After a short time, I shared that I am most proud of the 13 Telly Awards we have won. Then I explained that it seems like most of my fellow agency owners seem to come from the creative side. I, on the other hand, was a sales manager in media, and besides from possessing a good aesthetic, I had no creative expertise. To win 13 of these prestigious awards verifies that my company and I are fully capable of producing excellence.

People expect great client service, helpful advice, solid direction, and engaging creative. We deliver on those fronts and I’m proud of all of that. Extremely proud. But when forced to give an answer, I stand by those Telly Awards – they feel validating and motivate me to be sure that our best work is still in front of us – onward.

Can you learn from this junior in college too? Pause right now and answer the question; what are you most proud of professionally? I’d love to hear from you if you’d like to respond and tell me your story.

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