
5Points Creative Wins Multiple Communicator Awards

Roanoke, VA – June 2024 – 5Points Creative recently received four Communicator Awards for website and promotional materials. Three projects received an Award of Distinction, including the Habitat for Humanity Franklin County Affordable Housing Leave Behind, the VisitNRV Website, and the Virginia Private College Benefits Consortium website. Pulaski County Tourism was granted anAward of Excellence for the firm’s work on signage in the County’s Experiential Center.

The Communicator Awards is the leading international awards program dedicated to recognizing excellence, effectiveness, and innovation across all areas of communication.

It is a privilege to collaborate with such a variety of clients and to bring their visions to life,” said Kym Ricketts, creative director at5Points Creative. “We are passionate about creating impactful and effective communications for our clients, and these awards affirm the hard work and creativity that go into each project.”

Listening is central to the process at 5Points Creative.    

“When you survey the range of clients who were recognized with these prestigious awards, you capture a story,” said Bruce C. Bryan, president and founder of 5Points Creative. “The work we did for a tourism group, a municipality, a nonprofit, and the consortium demonstrates our capacity for listening in a mix of industries. Each came to us with specific needs, and I’m especially proud of the fact that we were able to help them achieve their goals through our creative process.”

Receiving these awards highlights the significance of meaningful collaboration.

“We’ve won plenty of awards, but what we love about The Communicator Awards is the focus on measurable results and how we help our clients accomplish what they set out to do,” said Bryan. “That means even more. To receive accolades for such a variety of clients speaks to our team’s ability to meet their needs and see the work through to a successful end.”

This marks 18 Communicator Awards in its 15 years of service for 5Points Creative.

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