
February 20, 2012

At My House - But Not for Long

February 2012

In2the House

There was something at the front door. It was the 2012-13 Yellow Book, but it could have just as easily been the Easy to Use One, the Verizon one or some other one. Phone books.

There are so many times people ask me about advertising in the yellow pages (or some equivalent). First of all, let’s agree on one thing – it isn’t advertising. It’s a directory. Next try doing a quick calculation with me…to say you use your yellow page directory 1% of the time would mean you spent about 15 minutes each day reviewing the book. I’m not sure that’s even possible

There are times and places where it can make sense for a business, but those instances are becoming less and less frequent. The book is closed 99.9% of the time.


It did make it into my house, but within hours it was out the back door and being recycled.

A few weeks ago, I spoke with someone who told me their organization spent over $750,000 in directory advertising each year. It is the fear of loss driving that. If you’re not in the yellow pages people won’t know how to find you, what you offer or how to call…

Nonsense. (Otherwise you could show me the McDonald’s, FedEx and Facebook ads in your local book)

Advertising, marketing, public relations, referrals and repeat business are the elements of a successful growth pattern for most all organizations. The web and smart phones have actually made that consumer contact easier. Even the directory representatives will confirm theirs is a shrinking industry. Don’t be afraid --- embrace the new and craft your very own plan.

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