
July 17, 2019

Capturing the Moment


Galaxys, iPhones, Google Pixels, and the sort produce so many great memories. After all, without them, how would a person ever have invented the selfie stick? The contraptions help capture memories, friends, funny faces, kiddos, siblings, and funny signs and advertisements. They’re good for that for sure.

Occasionally, things work just right and you accidentally – or even sort of on purpose – get that perfect photo. Just a touch here or a shift there can make you look like you know what you’re doing. Suddenly, you’re feeling like Brett Winter Lemon or Molly Doyle and you want the world to know it.

Maybe that’s why Instagram and other visually-driven sites have gotten so popular.

Over the past few years we’ve gone from assisting companies with their websites to actually building them ourselves. We’ve done design work for a good bit of them. While there are times you have to insert a stock photo here or there, we don’t take the decision lightly. It’s important to think carefully before finalizing your photographic selections.

No alt text provided for this image
Worthy of Likes from your mom? Absolutely. Worthy of representing your brand? Probably not.


It’s near impossible to build a great website without quality images. Words don’t usually cut it when placed plainly with nothing to draw in the eye of the visitor. The same goes with an interrupting image in a corporate piece or in your sales materials.

There are a lot of places you can take a shortcut. For years we’ve encouraged our clients not to cut corners when it comes to top notch photography. It completely transformed the Rockfish Food and Wine brand we rebuilt this year. (You may also remember a few months back when I wrote about bad photography impacting my buying decision at a fast food joint along the highway.)

Whether it’s a one dollar hamburger or a twelve dollar hamburger, good imagery is paramount to good advertising AND good marketing. And it’s not just with food. So go ahead and enjoy your camera phones and happen upon that perfect shot – just don’t let it be a substitute for the real thing when it comes to your company’s branding.

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