
February 22, 2022

It Happens Way2Frequently

It Happens Way2Frequently 

You’re pretty careful not to hand your car keys to just anyone, right? I mean, sure – a valet, the guy at the car wash, your spouse – to those folks you’ll toss ‘em and take your chances. Your teenager? That may be a different question. How about someone you don’t know very well? Not likely. 

Yet that’s exactly what happens in the marketing world all too often. Your car keys are just as personal and valuable to you as your business’s digital presence. If you take a moment to consider the situation you may already be in, then you’ll quickly see just how important it is to maintain your own website and social media logins. 

Time and again 5Points Creative has encountered situations where a client asked us to build them a new website or to update their Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram pages. We agree to step in and support them, only to discover they can’t locate their own access information. It’s crazy, but frequently they’ve delegated this information to a receptionist, an intern, an outside company, or frankly someone they don’t even interact with anymore. 

That’s a problem. 

Double Check This4Your Own Good 

When we first started building websites a half-decade ago, clients would ask us to set up their Domain Name Registration, or their Facebook Pages, etc. We would politely decline their request and advise them to think about what they were really asking an outside company to do. It seemed like some clients believed we were lazy or didn’t want to do the work to set up their programs correctly. However, there is a critical first step they needed to learn before handing over their virtual marketing “keys" to just anyone. 

We had to explain to those clients that setting up their digital logins is not something you want to casually delegate to someone outside of your company. It involves critical information a business owner or leader should absolutely protect and handle carefully. Our suggestion: make sure you’re in charge of your business’s Domain Name Registrations and logins. Our team will then provide the precision and dynamic digital marketing services to drive your online presence to success. 

Otherwise, you may end up like so many clients we’ve encountered through the years. They are stuck trying to find the GoDaddy password to an email address no one can access. Hold those marketing keys closely for the long-term win. It may take you a few extra minutes, but you’ll have hours of peace of mind in the future. 


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