
April 20, 2016

Storytime is Worth the Time


When I was a young salesperson I realized people didn’t want to be told how great my product was, nor did they want to be convinced of something based on raw numbers or statistics. This line of sales is rarely successful.

What works is storytelling.

B2Seed Storyteller

And then the little girl tried out the half page advertisement and it was just right!

Not made up stories or fables mind you, but real life examples of how a product or service is making a difference for someone else. This kind of example can be quite convincing and can quickly establish credibility.

It’s a powerful approach.

Borrow4A While

So now you know you need some stories, but you may not have any personal ones to share. It’s okay.

Use someone else’s informative and entertaining story until you create your own to share. I did this when I was younger and I also did it seven years ago when I started my advertising agency. If you’re doing something you’ve never done before, it can be hard to have a story to tell right out of the gate. This is a perfect opportunity to lean on the experiences of others until you find ones to fit your client selling situation. Before too long you will have plenty of your very own stories to share.

Perhaps you’re not in a selling situation – have no fear. This approach works when you’re training employees, altering a culture, or building a relationship. It’s funny, most of us are in the sales profession – whether we will admit it or not.

Either way – many people are much more likely to learn by a relatable tale, word picture, or story than they are a fact.

And that's a fact.

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