
November 13, 2023

Unpopular Take4You

Here’s a reality! Not all marketing and advertising concepts are absolutely critical to your business’ growth and development. You’ll hear from so-called experts that you must have a strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO) infrastructure in place, followed by an ongoing plan to build it, in order to see those big sales increases you want.

While that is sometimes the best approach, it isn’t always the case.

So many new business owners succumb to cookie-cutter schemes as they launch their companies. Or they’ll often try to build a foundation with marketing and advertising concepts that they’ve been told will deliver overall advancement.

I strongly believe in the power of implementing a marketing structure. It’s the right move for businesses large and small. What I’m suggesting is that, just because you own a business and something in a publication or online piqued your interest, doesn’t mean it’s the right move for you in your situation. Odds are your structure has some unique peculiarities.  

Let me explain.

Figure Out How2Grow Your Business

I recently met a new sole proprietor who was deeply focused on building the SEO of their company. That’s a worthy objective. In reality, this company was rapidly growing from word-of-mouth referrals and a second appointment channel through a partner organization. Fast growth – possibly faster than this business could manage – was the result of good work and a solid referring partner. So, before embarking on a complicated and long-term SEO program, that was greatly adding stress to this business owner’s life, I suggested giving themselves a break.

There is so much pressure on leaders from a multitude of outside voices that are causing frustration and anxiety.  

So, shut out the noise and focus on leveraging those referrals and lead sources that are in place and working. How are you caring for those relationships?  How are you nurturing those partnerships? How are you looking after those new prospects and potential clients? After you’ve done all that great work, are you following up with requests for new introductions and referrals?  

That’s where you start!

Once you’ve got the process moving cleanly through those pipelines, then you can embark on SEO, content, social media, and other outreach opportunities. That’s the orderly path that will fuel your further growth.

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